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The First True ​Crypto Sports ​Marketplace

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Designed to be the FIRST Crypto ​team sports coin marketplace ​releasing NEW team sports ​related coins weekly! EVERY coin ​will have 100% circulating supply ​upon release. With a uniform total ​supply set at 1B for all coins, the ​price dynamics will accurately ​mirror the market cap.

The Future Vision

building a fun sports team coin ​ecosystem. THE VISION IS TO CREATE ​AN ENTIRE MARKETPLACE BASED OFF ​OF ALL DIFFERENT SPORTS teams all ​with the same total supply.

Available Coins




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People will likely copy this idea. please be ​careful and only trade the coins listed on this ​website. it is very easy to copy and create ​new coins fast. this website is the true way to ​tell which coins are mine (also twitter i will ​post every immediately at launch). I will be ​getting a better site soon.


It is crucial to clarify that the meme coins are ​designed solely for entertainment purposes and ​are not intended to be linked to any specific ​individuals or teams. While meme coins have gained ​popularity in recent times, it is imperative to ​recognize their fundamental nature as digital ​assets created for amusement and community ​engagement.


I am looking for help with this big project

my Telegram: @Dingsz9